The objective of modelling processes in biological tissue is twofold:
On the one hand one can use such a model in order to make predictions
on the properties of biological systems, the so-called forward problem. Examples
in this context are
the determination of mechanical tissue displacements induced by tumour growth,
the propagation of electromagnetic fields due to electrical sources and
the investigation of the mechanical behaviour of implants.
On the other hand, one can use this model
in a so-called inverse manner to interprete measurements in terms of the
underlying (mechanical or electrical) sources. Inverse problems arise
in many areas outside the
medical/biological area, in seismology, radar, geophysics and mechanical
Within the SimBio project, a software toolbox will be created
containing standard inverse algorithms alongside those that are
especially tailored to the validated applications. Nevertheless,
the modular design of the software and the universality of the
approaches will provide an important, general tool for inverse problem
A number of standard and application-tailored algorithms for inverse
problems and optimisation will be incorporated and modified for use with the
numerical solvers and the Finite Element methods. The focus will lie on the
modularity of the software, allowing the application for different problems by
the replacement of the forward model.